Hela Hola! Een nieuwe tocht. Samen met Marcella vijf maanden Afrika. Van kaapstad naar Nairobi.
A one time english update for my new iranian friends, which i found in numbers. I wrote this some time ago, actually a full thousand kilometers and almost two countrys ago but it catches my feeling about Iran quite well. "I'm about to leave Iran. On the second last night i've pitched my tent early on top of the last mountain before the border. In the distance i could see Turkmenistan but more spectacular is the view on the vast and gigantic desert of Iran. Seeing this beautiful and warm land which i will soon leave behind makes me a little emotional. The last month and a half i've fallen in love with a country and especially with the people. The kindness and helpfullness of those people is beyond everything i have encountered before. I would like to thank the Iranian people for everything they gave me. In particular Ramin and Meghran, but also all the other people that offered me food, a bed, friendship and help in all kind of ways. Because of this lonelyness didn't excist for me in Iran. It's worth alot! I hope change and better times will come soon for this country. Anyway, Turkemnistan is next and with this ill start my central-asia adventure! I won't be in in reach for some time. See you! " Since i lost my phone all the photo's and video's of Tehran are lost. So you will have to imagine this! Tehran is a crazily new and big, busy and vibrant city. Which is very much alive, frankly i cannot show you this! The turkmenistan update will be there soon! Joehoee
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Hoi!De komende winter fietsen Marcella en ik zo'n 8000 kilometer door Afrika. Hier houden we onze avonturen een beetje bij met zo nu en dan een update! Archieven
September 2021